
Confirmation 2014

This programme has started and has 20 candidates attending. Confirmation next year is in October.

Confirmation takes place in the parish every year. Young adults who are to be confirmed are asked to attend a  confirmation preparation programme which takes place over two years.

Any young person who
(1) is in year 8 or is aged 12+,
(2) is baptised as a Roman Catholic, and
(3) has made their 1st Holy Communion
(4) Attends Sunday Mass on a weekly basis
is invited to join the Confirmation programme.

The usual practise is that the Candidates and their parents complete an application form (available from the priest) and return it to the Parish Priest together with a Baptismal certificate. Each candidate should have a sponsor who must be a confirmed and practising Catholic; it is desirable that one’s baptismal godparent also serve as sponsor for confirmation, this expresses more clearly the relationship between baptism and confirmation, nonetheless, the choice of a special sponsor is not excluded.