The Sacraments

The usual way in which the celebration of the sacraments is approached is as follows:


Parents of children who are to be baptised are asked to see one of the priests for a meeting. They would see the priest after one of the Sunday Masses. Then they would attend a course of preparation which meets for three evenings over three weeks. Baptisms then can take place usually on Sundays at 1.00pm .

Click here for details of the Baptism Programme


Confirmation takes place in the parish every year. Young adults who are to be confirmed are asked to attend a weekly confirmation preparation programme which takes place over a year. Candidates should be at least 12 years of age and in the 2nd year of secondary school (yr8). Each candidate should have a sponsor who must be a confirmed and practising Catholic; it is desirable that one’s baptismal godparent also serve as sponsor for confirmation, this expresses more clearly the relationship between baptism and confirmation, nonetheless, the choice of a special sponsor is not excluded.

Click here for details of the schedule for confirmation.

Holy Communion

Children are asked to apply for first communion when they attend the Sunday mass regularly. We have a First Holy Communion Mass every year. The Blessed Sacrament Procession is usually on the next day.

Click here for details of the First Holy Communion arrangements.

Fairly obviously any Catholic, who is not in a state of grave sin, is invited to receive Holy Communion at any celebration of the Mass. For those who are ill and/or housebound we have a team of Eucharistic Ministers, who, along with the priests, regularly take Holy Communion to anybody who needs it.

Reconciliation (Confession)

This sacrament is celebrated between 10.30am and 11.00am, and 5.00pm and 5.30pm every Saturday. It is also celebrated before the 9.30am Sunday Mass, and “on call”. For those who are unable to come to the Church the Priests will hear confessions in the home. Just give us a call and let us know you want to take advantage of this sacrament. We also have penitential services in Advent and Lent where outside Priests are available to hear individual confessions.

The Sacrament of the Sick or Anointing or Extreme Unction

 We also anoint “on call”. If you would like one of the Priests to anoint you please let us know. We are also on call 24 hours a day to help those who are dying, and their friends and families.


If you wish to get married please try and give us at least one year’s notice. We absolutely must have at least six full months notice. Couples attend a session of talks with one of the priests or deacon. We celebrate marriages whenever people want, although usually on Saturdays. We try and avoid two weddings on the same day.

Holy Orders

We don’t have nearly enough ordinations to the Priesthood and diaconate in this parish. Why don’t you change that?
Here is a picture of Fr Philip Glandfield who was ordained at St. George’s Cathedral in September 2003. Fr Philip had been a parishioner at St. George’s in South Darenth since he was a child.  As an altar server, senior altar server and then seminarian he has been a well known and active member of the parish.
On September 6th 2003 he was ordained by Archbishop Michael Bowen at St. George’s Cathedral.
On September 7th at 9:30 am at St. George’s South Darenth he celebrated his first Mass.
On September 8th he celebrated his first Mass at St. Anselm’s at 7:30 pm.